Please Give Peace a Chance
Dr.Nobel's speech of peace
Dr.Nobel's speech of peace at the Dhammakaya temple
Calming your negative thoughts through mindfulness
Role Reversal
My husband had to become a househusband and look after our son whereas I became a breadwinner. My husband loves the family very much.As he felt so ashamed he did all the chores including washing clothes, cooking and minding our child. I felt nothing for him.
Some people have compared the Bodhisatta’s renunciation of his life and someone committing a suicide. Please explain how the two are different.
Dream of Naga
She dreamt of a Naga talking about the history and story of Naga fireballs which was similar to what Luang Phaw mentioned in Dream in Dream Kindergarten, although she has never watched any story about Naga before. Is this a true story or it's just a dream. DMC has the answers.
Today I have some questions about the meaning of a Buddhist word. The word “Sila” (precepts) has many facets: the 5 precepts, the 8 precepts, the 10 precepts, and the 227 precepts. How important are the precepts? Why do we need to keep the precepts?
Today I have some questions about the meaning of a Buddhist word. The word “Sila” (precepts) has many facets: the 5 precepts, the 8 precepts, the 10 precepts, and the 227 precepts. I would truly like to know what the word “Sila” (precept) means. How important are the precepts? Why do we need to keep the precepts?
If I am determined to keep the 5 precepts fully as Luang Phaw explained about the sweetened tamarind, what will I receive as a result?
Public Relation News - TV5
A program broadcasting on Free Thai TV Channel 5 has supported the Mass Training and Ordination Projects of Dhammakaya Temple.
Dhammakaya Foundation congratulated Thai Free TV Channel 5 as the 56th Foundation Anniversary